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Category Archives: Divorce


How to File an Emergency Custody Order in Florida

By Sean Smallwood |

Is it possible to submit a motion for emergency custody in Florida, and what is the procedure for filing an emergency custody order in the state? Wondering if you can file a motion for an emergency custody order in Florida? Here’s how you can determine if your situation qualifies. Emergency custody orders can be… Read More »

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How Much Does A Divorce Cost in Florida?

By Sean Smallwood |

What is the Average Cost for Divorce and Family Attorneys? There comes a time in the lives of many people when they will have to consider calling a nearby divorce attorney in Orlando, FL and for most people, the part they are most afraid of is the thought of how much does a divorce… Read More »

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Annulment in Florida

Why Hiring a Lawyer is Essential for Obtaining an Annulment in Florida

By Sean Smallwood |

On this page: What Is Marriage Annulment in Florida? | Divorce Vs. Annulment in Florida | Is an Annulment Lawyer the Same as a Divorce Lawyer? | Florida Annulment Requirements | An Annulment Case in FL From the Local News Headlines | The Bottom Line on Marriage Annulment in Florida | Contact Sean Smallwood… Read More »

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how mother-in-laws ruin marriages

Divorce Issues Caused By Mother in Law

By Sean Smallwood |

Is Your Mother-in-Law Causing Divorce? One area of divorce law that divorce attorneys in Orlando hear about often with their family law clients is the situation where a mother-in-law or other extended family of their spouse may have caused some division in the relationship that ultimately led to the divorce. If you are considering… Read More »

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spouse empties the bank account in a divorce in Orlando

What To Do If Your Spouse Empties The Bank Account In A Florida Divorce

By Sean Smallwood |

One of the most common early issues that come up in Orlando divorce cases occurs when one of the parties removes money from a joint bank account without any warning to the other party. There are two common ways this happens, one is generally permitted by the courts while the other can get a… Read More »

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dealing with difficult former spouse

Four Ways to Make Dealing with an Impossible Ex-Spouse More Bearable

By Sean Smallwood |

Your children are the best thing that ever happened to you, but the amount of unhappiness your ex-spouse causes you is nearly equal to the happiness your children bring. This year, you made a New Year’s resolution not to let your ex get under your skin anymore, but you made the same resolution last… Read More »

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How Do Stimulus Checks Get Divided In Divorce

How Do Stimulus Checks Get Divided In Divorce?

By Sean Smallwood |

In light of the COVID 19 pandemic one issue that comes up in nearly every divorce case is that of the federal government stimulus checks and how they are to be addressed in the divorce. This leaves many people asking How Do Stimulus Checks Get Divided In Divorce?” Figuring out how to properly handle… Read More »

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alimony in cases involving adultery

Do I Have To Pay Alimony If My Spouse Commits Adultery?

By Sean Smallwood |

This question was posed to us recently by a potential client and I felt like it would make a great item to include on our site. This is because this is a common area of concern for men and women facing divorce where the other spouse has committed adultery. This information can certainly translate… Read More »

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No way out

Can I Still Get Divorced In Orlando if My Spouse Will Not Sign The Papers?

By Sean Smallwood |

One issue that divorce lawyers in Orlando Florida, deal with occasionally is the situation where one party wants to get a divorce, but the other party does not want the marriage to end. This can be a very sensitive situation and divorce attorneys in Florida need to be delicate in how they approach the… Read More »

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How long does a divorce take in Florida

How Long Do Divorces Take in Orlando Florida?

By Sean Smallwood |

One common question that we receive on an almost daily basis at our Orlando divorce law firm is how long the divorce process is expected to take for our clients. The truth is that there is no simple answer to this question. This is because the length of time a divorce will take in… Read More »

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What if I cannot afford a collaborative divorce in Orlando Florida

What If I Cannot Afford a Collaborative Divorce in Orlando Florida?

By Sean Smallwood |

One of the newer types of divorce alternatives that are available to divorcing couples is the collaborative divorce process. A collaborative divorce is one where the parties to the case agree that they will reach a settlement without going to court. The collaborative agreement goes so far as to declare that in the event… Read More »

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medical decisions for kids in divorce

How to Avoid Conflict Over Children’s Medical Treatment After Divorce

By Sean Smallwood |

Imagine that your teen daughter goes to visit your aunt during spring break, and when you turn on your phone after work one day, you find a text from your daughter saying that she has just been to see a doctor. Would you be upset that your aunt took your daughter to a doctor… Read More »

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Will Bankruptcy affect my child support in divorce

How Will Filing for Bankruptcy Affect Your Child Support Obligations In Divorce?

By Sean Smallwood |

Watching your unpaid child support obligations pile up as you are less and less able to afford them can be truly demoralizing. The judge might treat you like you are not serious about parenting when your financial struggles have nothing to do with your level of commitment to your children. Your ex might antagonize… Read More »

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Marital Debt and Marital Misconduct

Where is the Dividing Line Between Marital Debt and Marital Misconduct?

By Sean Smallwood |

Debt has ruined the marriages of many couples, including some who had every intention of honoring their wedding vow to stay together for richer or for poorer. Sometimes the constant stress of having to decide, on every payday, whether to pay for groceries or utilities, while the debts just keep getting bigger even as… Read More »

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Can you get permanent alimony if you are still young in FL Divorce?

Can You Get Permanent Alimony if You are Still Young in Divorce in Orlando FL?

By Sean Smallwood |

Increasingly, the family courts in Florida see alimony as a last resort. Equitable distribution is the governing principle in dividing a couple’s property when the marriage is dissolved because it means that each spouse gets a fair share of the return on the investments they made during their lives together. If the wife was… Read More »

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Imputed income florida divorce

Imputed Income In Florida Divorce Does Not Have to be Your Enemy

By Sean Smallwood |

You might think that “imputed income” is a dirty word, especially if the court calculated your alimony and child support obligations by assuming that you make more money than you actually do. In fact, imputed income has been a sticking point in many divorce cases. Maybe the court imputed too little income to your… Read More »

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divorce involving support of adult children

Disagreements Over Financial Support for Adult Children in Orlando Divorce

By Sean Smallwood |

Even when you are generally happily married, disagreements about parent-child relationships can lead to hurt feelings. It is easy for your spouse to vent jealousy by taking cheap shots about you trying to turn your child into a mama’s boy or a daddy’s girl. Then there are the disagreements about specific incidents and issues… Read More »

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attorney for divorce involving child custody in Orlando

Should I Use A Guardian Ad Litem In My Florida Divorce?

By Sean Smallwood |

When divorcing parents disagree fundamentally about a child custody issues a guardian ad litem can help. The disagreement can be about just about anything. Daycare or having a family member babysit? The Ferber method or an endless supply of cuddles? Public school or religious private school? Summer camp or academic summer program? What are… Read More »

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How to divide retirement accounts in Florida divorce

How Are Retirement Accounts Divided in Divorce in Florida?

By Sean Smallwood |

Anytime a married couple gets divorced in Florida they must deal with certain property issues which may require the help of a property division attorney in Orlando. One of the more common property division issues that divorce lawyers in Orlando Florida contend with is that of dividing retirement accounts. The most common types of… Read More »

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Guide to filing for divorce in Florida

The Complete Guide To Filing For Divorce In Florida

By Sean Smallwood |

My name is Sean Smallwood, and I am an Orlando divorce attorney who has been practicing family and marital law for about a decade. I understand that whether you are a newer attorney or someone who intends to represent themselves in a divorce matter the information in this guide will assist you in the… Read More »

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How to have an Uncontested divorce in Florida

How To Make Sure Your Divorce Goes Uncontested

By Sean Smallwood |

  I have been a divorce attorney for a long time now and in all my years I have witnessed just about every type of argument or allegations that you can possibly imagine. I have heard people accuse their spouse of being alcoholic, violent, having anger management issues, allegations of molesting the kids, and even… Read More »

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modification of parenting plans in Florida

How To Modify A Child Custody Parenting Plan In Florida

By Sean Smallwood |

One of the most common types of cases that people contact our office regarding is that of modifying a parenting plan. The parenting plan is a court-ordered document that spells out all aspects of a child custody arrangement including timesharing, parental responsibility, access to school and medical records for the child, holiday schedules, school… Read More »

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Mistakes Made in Divorce Separation Florida

The Three Most Common Mistakes Made in Divorce Separations

By Sean Smallwood |

One of the most difficult parts of the divorce process in Florida is the actual separation. The process of transitioning from a single-family unit with one set of bills, bank accounts, and routines to separate households can be downright traumatic. What can make matters even worse is when the parties to the divorce were living… Read More »

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COVID-19 affects child custody schedules

How The Coronavirus COVID-19 Outbreak Affect Child Custody Arrangements?

By Sean Smallwood |

Amid the recent outbreak of coronavirus in the United States several states have issued mandatory stay at home orders and some are calling for the mandatory shutdown of any non-life saving businesses in order to slow down the spread of the virus. One big concern that is not yet receiving much attention in the… Read More »

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Should I Wait Until After the Coronavirus Outbreak to File For Divorce?

Should I Wait Until After the Coronavirus Outbreak to File For Divorce?

By Sean Smallwood |

At this moment pretty much everybody on planet Earth is well aware of the coronavirus also known as COVID 19 and the effects that it is having on the world and the world’s economies. With millions of people suddenly out of work due to the massive shutdowns of certain industries many people are wondering… Read More »

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What To Do If The Lawyers Are The Only Ones Fighting

By Sean Smallwood |

In this video, I answer the question “what should I do if the divorce lawyers are the only ones fighting in my case?”   This is actually more common than you may think. It’s a situation where you and your spouse may be getting along pretty well and are possibly agreeing on many of… Read More »

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Should I Get Divorced?

By Sean Smallwood |

In this video, I’m going to speak for a few moments regarding a serious topic that very few, if any, divorce attorneys are actually taking the time to discuss with their clients.   That is whether or not the person sitting in their office is sure that they should even be getting divorced in… Read More »

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contempt and enforcement of divorce orders Florida

How to Hold Someone in Contempt of a Divorce Agreement in Florida

By Sean Smallwood |

After the dust settles from an initial divorce action the parties will have a final judgment that operates as a court order dictating the details of the resolution of their case. In some cases, that is where the really difficult work begins This is because usually one of the parties is not happy with… Read More »

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hpw to deal with parental alienation in Florida

How to Deal With Parental Alienation in Divorce

By Sean Smallwood |

If You Are Faced With Parental Alienation, Here is What You Need to Know One very common and very sad fact about the dissolution of marriage process that divorce attorneys in Orlando Florida are forced to deal with is when a divorce involves conduct by one of the parents that amount to parental alienation…. Read More »

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what advice to give to a friend going through a divorce

Advice to Give To A Friend Going Through Divorce

By Sean Smallwood |

What Advice Should I Give to A Friend Who Is Going Through A Divorce? In my experience when most people are facing a divorce they are in a place where they have been bottling up different feelings and emotions for months or even years. When things reach a boiling point, one natural reaction for… Read More »

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