Tag Archives: finances

What To Do If Your Spouse Empties The Bank Account In A Florida Divorce
One of the most common early issues that come up in Orlando divorce cases occurs when one of the parties removes money from a joint bank account without any warning to the other party. There are two common ways this happens, one is generally permitted by the courts while the other can get a… Read More »

How Do Stimulus Checks Get Divided In Divorce?
In light of the COVID 19 pandemic one issue that comes up in nearly every divorce case is that of the federal government stimulus checks and how they are to be addressed in the divorce. This leaves many people asking How Do Stimulus Checks Get Divided In Divorce?” Figuring out how to properly handle… Read More »

What If I Cannot Afford a Collaborative Divorce in Orlando Florida?
One of the newer types of divorce alternatives that are available to divorcing couples is the collaborative divorce process. A collaborative divorce is one where the parties to the case agree that they will reach a settlement without going to court. The collaborative agreement goes so far as to declare that in the event… Read More »

The Three Most Common Mistakes Made in Divorce Separations
One of the most difficult parts of the divorce process in Florida is the actual separation. The process of transitioning from a single-family unit with one set of bills, bank accounts, and routines to separate households can be downright traumatic. What can make matters even worse is when the parties to the divorce were living… Read More »